God’s Word tells us to meet together to stir one another up to love, both in word and deed (Hebrews 10:24-25), and exhort one another with the Word of God as to not have our hearts hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:13). We understand that our interns bring a fresh perspective to the local church and just as the Lord uses us to sharpen them, He will use their ministry to sharpen and encourage us.
Our commitment to sharpen you:
We will build your convictions in truth and doctrine.
We will help you cultivate a biblical philosophy of ministry and we will provide a practical context for you to see how that philosophy plays out.
We will teach you to make real life connections between biblical truth and common shepherding scenarios.
We will cultivate your character, competency, conviction, and calling towards ministry. We are confident that the Lord will use our church to sharpen and encourage you.
Your commitment to sharpen us:
You will demonstrate a commitment to helping us exalt Christ in all that we do
You will build relationships that lead to spiritual growth
You will employ your spiritual gifts to serve and build-up our local church
You will be willing to point out weaknesses and blind spots that need strengthened in our ministry
Potential Weekly Schedule
Seek to devote 20-25 hours per week to this internship. Although the scheduling is flexible, we would encourage our interns to travel to the office twice during the week, in addition to Sunday morning.
Reading (2hr/wk)
Prepare study guide questions (2hr/wk)
Studying sermon passage (2hr/wk)
Sunday ministry/sermon evaluation (1hr/wk)
Intentional discipleship (2hr/wk)
Ministry preparation (4hr/wk)
Sunday morning worship/ministry (4hr/wk)
Ministry discussions (3hr/wk)
Potential Responsibilities
Attend Maranatha’s Welcome to Church (Membership) class.
Read three books (Trellis and the Vine, Gaining by Losing, LEAD)
Facilitate a 6-week CONNECT group (like a Discipleship Group).
Create a study guide for an in-depth look at a six-week section of the sermon series.
Disciple a current member of Maranatha.
Read through and study the sermon passage each week and meet with Pastor Andrew to identify the main points of the text, some application, and possible illustrations.
Teach at a few of Maranatha’s Sunday night gatherings. Evaluate the lesson and grow.
Help create video testimonies for new members.
Evaluate the current health of Maranatha and current ministries.
Develop a philosophy of ministry.
Ministry Development
Meet with Pastor Andrew once a week to pray, grow in the word, and talk through some shepherding concepts and situations.
Do a spiritual gifts inventory.
Take a personality test.
Select an area of personal growth and develop an action plan towards that growth.
Take part in Maranatha’s weekly staff meetings.
Observe Maranatha’s monthly deacon meetings.