The mission of Rock Ridge Retreats of Maranatha Baptist Church is to help couples reflect a clear picture of Christ's relationship with His Bride, the Church, and to direct people to Jesus Christ and the hope of the Gospel.
The name "Rock Ridge Retreats" has come about through much thought, counsel and prayer. The name has been chosen as a reminder that God is our Rock as referenced many times in the Bible. In Matthew 7:24-27, for example, God reminds us that the wise man builds his house on the rock. Our desire is to encourage husbands and wives to build their lives on God and His Word.

Retreats are hosted at The Lodge at Rock Ridge which is located in southern Fairfield County about 50 minutes from Maranatha Baptist Church. The lodge is an eight suite log home with ample room for eight couples and our hosts.
Our facilitators/hosts for each weekend are Greg & Connie Bernard. Greg teaches each session, including the men's break-out session. Connie does behind-the-scenes preparation, assists the Cooking Couple when needed and guides the breakout session for the women. In addition to the Bernards, each retreat is blessed to have a "Cooking Couple." This couple volunteers to plan, purchase, prepare, and clean up all the meals at the retreat. They are a valued part of these retreats and are considered ministry partners with Greg & Connie. Please feel free to contact Greg & Connie at bernardviii@gmail.com with any questions you may have.

We believe God's Word and His power have the answers for our problems in all of life, including marriage. We will have four sessions together during the weekend to receive encouragement for our marriage relationships. These sessions are meant to be Biblical and brief, while offering the hope and help that we all need to thrive in our marriages and in our relationship with Christ.
This is not a Marriage Conference! That means that we are committed to allowing couples time to be together & alone. On Saturday we have built in 3 hours for you to take your box lunch and explore Lancaster and it’s local parks or downtown, the Hocking Hills (about a 30 min drive), or you can just stay on site and explore the 20 acres of woodland trails with their rock outcroppings and secluded spots on the lodge property.

Eating is universal and oh so satisfying! Our "Cooking Couple" will be hard at work, making delicious family-style meals for us to enjoy. In addition to that, we view our retreat mealtimes as a unique opportunity to share stories of how God brought us together and has proven faithful in our lives. This is one of our favorite times of the retreat!