Small Groups
Our goal is to build deep and lasting multi-generational relationships, committed to growing together in grace by building community, meeting a variety of needs, and strengthening one another’s spiritual lives through encouragement and accountability.
Small groups require a year-long commitment to meet several times each month. We have a variety of small groups which meet at various locations and on various evenings throughout the week.

Connect Groups
Unlike small groups which is year-long commitment, connect groups will start and stop at various times throughout the ministry year as the Holy Spirit leads, giving people more frequent on-ramps and allowing people to plug-in and begin building deep, intentional, life-on-life relationships.
Connect groups will focus on specific aspects of the Christian life that need development, and can meet in a variety of formats including Bible studies, prayer groups, and fellowship groups. If you are interested in becoming a part of a connect group or desire to start a group with a specific purpose or focus in mind, connect with Pastor David.
Baby Blanket InfoJanuary 18, 2020 in the MPR Coordinators: Margie R. Mary M. Candy P.
Spring Tea Open HouseJanuary 26, 2020 in E200, E202 Coordinators: Melanie E. Debbie P.
True Woman ABS ClassSundays January 26-April 5 MPR Coordinator: Sarah Shearer
Bags of LoveFebruary 6, 2020 at Marcia's House Coordinators: Marcia R. Noelle S.
Women's Ministry Room Work DayTo Be Determined Coordinators: Julia H.
Spring Tea Hostess MeetingCancelled due to COVID-19
Spring Tea IroningCancelled due to COVID-19
Spring Tea Preparation WeekCancelled due to COVID-19
Spring TeaCancelled due to COVID-19
True Woman Conference Live StreamSeptember 24-26, 2020 Room: TBD Coordinator: Sarah Shearer
Coordinator MeetingNovember 7, 2020 in E200
Women's RetreatNovember 13-15 2020 at The Inn at Amish Door Coordinators: Sarah S. Stephanie H.
Preview & PrayerNovember 18, 2020 in the MPR
Maranatha Sisters Facebook24/7/365 At your fingertips! Coordinators: Mandy S.