By Jack MacKeverican
With many new faces in our congregation, we wanted to share our tradition of helping each other with moves when we sell our homes or relocate. If you would like help with a move, here are the expectations and process for utilizing the Maranatha Movers.
As a regular attender, you would let your watchcare deacon know your date to move several weeks in advance. Your deacon will help organize and supervise the move. You should let him know about any of your family in town that can participate.
You are responsible to pack your house and provide a large box truck, so it can be a one-trip move. Our volunteers are not expecting to pack or unpack boxes.
Maranatha Movers is just a name not an official team. Each move is unique and different people may show up for each move. Your watchcare deacon is responsible to put an announcement in the bulletin sharing the date and time (usually Sat. 9 a.m.) and asking people to contact him (with the deacon’s name and phone #) to help with the move. You and the deacon should personally recruit people, so you have some idea who will be there to help.
The volunteers come expecting everything to be packed and ready, so they simply move boxes and furniture into the box truck. This usually takes 2-2 ½ hours (if everything is ready). It is worth noting that we normally don’t move grandfather clocks, grand pianos, pool tables, or other highly valuable items. These should be moved professionally.
The volunteers then usually go with the truck to the destination and unload everything into the new home or storage unit. This usually takes 1-1 ½ hours. Most of the volunteers are young men with families that are willing to help but would like to get back to their family by mid-day for their family responsibilities. We want to thank our volunteers who continue to show up. Many hands make light work. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!